COVID-19 positive - Told to go to work
COVID-19 positive - Told to go to work
Black Female Nurse tested positive with Covid-19 virus
A Black female nurse having been deployed to work in a care home was told to undertake a Covid-19 test since most of her colleagues had fallen ill except her. She did not present with any symptoms and she is diabetic herself.
A Black female nurse having been deployed to work in a care home was told to undertake a Covid-19 test since most of her colleagues had fallen ill except her. She did not present with any symptoms and she is diabetic herself.
While self-isolating waiting for test results, her husband developed a temperature. She and her husband Covid-19 test results came back both positive. The NHS guidelines stipulates that you have to self-isolate for at least 14 days as a household of a covid-19 positive candidate. Right? But guess what! The nurse was told to get to work because “she does not show any symptoms”. And you know what! Blacks are afraid to talk. They are afraid to challenge their managers because of the fear of discrimination and losing their jobs. This is not right and this needs to stop. If this nurse escalated the matter to the Nursing Council, what would be the response?
her husband continued to suffer high temperature ranging above 38°C, GP
was consulted for advice but he refused to prescribe antibiotics
stating that high temperature is an expected symptom for positive
covid-19 virus. Some GPs are not examining to rule out possibilities of serious
acute bacterial infection which
would benefit from antibiotics prescription. Black people are allowed
to die under the umbrella of positive covid-19 results.
wife has been a nurse for over 26 years and has experience of life
threatening infections and spotting the abnormal. We cannot discount
the fact that there is currently no cure for covid-19 but some acute
bacterial infections can be successfully treated with antibiotics.
Well, the nurse did not stop to seek advice. Antibiotics were finally prescribed and her husband started taking them. I can tell you that his temperature has not spiked high in 20 days.
Now, reviewing the above story, is the number of Blacks reportedly dying from covid-19 a true reflection of the reasons that are speculated to be cause of the high number of deaths?
So many people are dying in Care Homes. Are the care workers brave enough to challenge their managers? Many times staff have expressed shortage of PPE in Care Homes and those attending to home patients but are they brave to speak out and stop the spread of virus killing vulnerable elderly clients?
We will leave that for you to make your own judgement.
This is the reality we are faced with. More support is needed for Black people and Ethnic minority to challenge their superiors without discrimination and a victim of injustice.
Well, the nurse did not stop to seek advice. Antibiotics were finally prescribed and her husband started taking them. I can tell you that his temperature has not spiked high in 20 days.
Now, reviewing the above story, is the number of Blacks reportedly dying from covid-19 a true reflection of the reasons that are speculated to be cause of the high number of deaths?
So many people are dying in Care Homes. Are the care workers brave enough to challenge their managers? Many times staff have expressed shortage of PPE in Care Homes and those attending to home patients but are they brave to speak out and stop the spread of virus killing vulnerable elderly clients?
We will leave that for you to make your own judgement.
This is the reality we are faced with. More support is needed for Black people and Ethnic minority to challenge their superiors without discrimination and a victim of injustice.