Black People Not Allowed in McDonalds Restaurant - China

Black People Not Allowed in McDonalds Restaurant – China

What is the matter with this colour? Surely these are human beings.
Why are they being segregated? Why is it so wrong to be Black in the society? Who created Blacks?
It’s been repeatedly reported that COVID-19 has no discrimination so why are Blacks suffering discrimination of a virus born by the very same Chinese discriminating them?

It was a disgrace to learn that certain people of one race were denied access to one McDonald's restaurant in China. An apology was been issued but the mental damage has been done.

Why are these people still locked in COVID-19 Quarantine Prison when the proof says they are negative?
Everyone seems to turn a blind eye on the real problem. Apologies seem fair, but will it make the racial profiling end? What steps are being taken to remedy the real issue of racism and discrimination against certain individuals? Why are we going back to relive the past?
Written April 14, 2020

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